
chǔ gōng yōng sǎo méi dài xīn
zhī yán duì chūn
qiān jiān nán wéi
shāng xīn rén
zuò pǐn shǎng zuò zhě chū zhī yōng sǎo dài méi biàn 便 gòng chǔ wáng yán de wáng guó zhī de xíng xiàng huá le chū lái
zhè jǐn shì shuō shí lìng
zài shuō guó cháo
chǔ guó huāng shuāi wáng de xiàng
shì zhēn duì shì rén duì rén de wěi qiú quán yǒu wēi
zuò zhě zài shī dǎn wéi míng píng
dāng shí rén wèi méi yǒu xiǎng dào
zhī shì zài tóng de dìng huán jìng
měi rén bìng shì dōu xiàng 绿 zhū yàng de cóng róng
jīng tiān dòng
cóng ér yán
shī rén wéi rén shāng xīn dào
shī yīng shì huà yòng le míng dài shī rén féng xiǎo qīng de dān tíng shī lěng yōu chuāng tīng
tiāo dēng xián dān tíng
rén jiān yǒu chī
shāng xīn shì xiǎo qīng
rén miào duì shǎng qiān lái
rén zuì nán miàn duì shì
ér rén néng gòu cóng róng xùn qíng ér
rén shì jiān shāng xīn āi tòng de
yòu zhī rén
qiān jiān nán wéi
yòng lái zàn měi zhōng zhēn cóng róng jiù de bēi zhuàng háo qíng
xíng róng rén miàn duì shēng guān tóu shí
zhǒng tòng zhèng zhā de xīn jìng
zhè shǒu shī shì táng rén táo huā rén miào de yuán yùn
shī yuē yāo gōng táo xīn
yán chūn
zhì jìng wáng yuán shì
lián quán zhuì lóu rén
liǎng shī duì
biàn 便 huì xiàn shī rén yǒu yào gāo
dèng shī jǐn yuán yùn
ér qiě yòu yòng le shī yuán gǎi táo huā wéi
rén miào liǎng shī dōu shì xiě rén shì
yòu dōu shì tōng guò miáo shù de yán
de xiàng biǎo xiàn de
dàn shì shī yǒu qíng yǒu jǐng qíng jǐng jiāo róng
jìng yōu měi
yùn wèi jùn yǒng
dèng shī jiào xùn
shī 绿 zhū zhī
xíng róng rén
gāo xià jiàn
ér yùn jiè
shǐ 使 shī shēng huá dào gèng gāo de jìng jiè
dèng shī fǎn wèn zuò jié
zhè suī hòu fēi
jìng shī xīn yǐng
dàn shì dèng shī qiān shì
shǐ 使 shī de nèi hán kuò huà le
shǐ 使 rén de xìng diǎn xíng huà le
zhè shì shī suǒ quē shǎo de


This passage is a literary analysis of a Chinese poem entitled "题息夫人庙" by Deng Jian. The poem describes the tragic story of a woman named Xifu who died for her loyalty during the downfall of the Chu Kingdom. The author uses imagery to depict Xifu's beauty and noble character, and expresses his sorrow for her untimely death. The poem is compared with another work by Tang poet Du Mu, entitled "题桃花夫人庙," which also deals with the theme of a woman's tragic fate. While both poems use language and imagery to convey their meanings, the author argues that Deng's poem lacks the same level of emotional depth and artistic flair as Du's work. Nonetheless, Deng's use of rhetorical devices such as repetition and rhetorical questions serves to amplify the significance of Xifu's story and highlight her as a symbol of tragic heroism.





This passage is a literary analysis of a Chinese poem entitl…展开
This passage is a literary analysis of a Chinese poem entitled "题息夫人庙" by Deng Jian. The poem describes the tragic story of a woman named Xifu who died for her loyalty during the downfall of the Chu Kingdom. The author uses imagery to depict Xifu's beauty and noble character, and expresses his sorrow for her untimely death. The poem is compared with another work by Tang poet Du Mu, entitled "题桃花夫人庙," which also deals with the theme of a woman's tragic fate. While both poems use language and imagery to convey their meanings, the author argues that Deng's poem lacks the same level of emotional depth and artistic flair as Du's work. Nonetheless, Deng's use of rhetorical devices such as repetition and rhetorical questions serves to amplify the significance of Xifu's story and highlight her as a symbol of tragic heroism.折叠




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