

shāng zhě
nǎi gòng rén zhī suǒ qiě ér cái zhě shì
zhī shāng zhě
jiē wéi
shāng zhī jiān zhě
jīn jiē cún
zhī jiān shāng
zhī gāo jià bào
tóng wéi jīn
zhà rén zhī cái
wèi jiàn hài mìng
jīn zhī shāng
wéi bào zhī suǒ yòu
shòu shí zhī shāng zhě
xià qīng zhōng
shǐ 使 shí xiāng měi
ér hài rén zhī shēn zhě shèn
jīn zhī shāng zhě
wéi bào zhī suǒ yòu
mǎi jiā zhī shēn mìng
xià yáng tāng xiǎo
lìng shí zhě yǐn zhī
ér duō shòu
jiǔ ér nián zhǎng
shí zhě yān
zhī shì
quē mín pín
tóng jīn zhě
shì néng ér wéi zhī
rén wéi shù
yīn hài shēn
ér jīn zhī shì
mín bǎo
xià shí zhě
yīn bào zhī yòu ér wéi zhī
mǎi jiā zhī mìng
shú shù fēi rén zhī wéi
gèng yǒu shèn zhī shāng zhě
yīn bào zhī yòu
ér mín qiáng mǎi zhī
yuē zhī zhě
mǎi zhī
shāng zhě jià
mǎi zhī
mǎi shí zhě ruò cháng
mǎi zhī
qīng zhě yán ér
zhòng zhě chí dāo xié zhī
jīn zhī shāng
dào qiǎng zhī yān
zuì tóng qiáng duó cái
wéi shāng
wéi jiān zhī shāng zhě
jīn jiē cún
zhī jiān zhě
tóng jīn zhě
néng ér wéi zhī
rén wéi shù
yīn hài shēn
jīn zhī jiān zhě
yīn ér hài rén
rén mǎi zhī
xià shí zhě
shú shù fēi rén zhī wéi
zhī jiān zhě
zuì qiě qīng
hài shēn
jīn zhī jiān zhě
yīn bào zhī suǒ yòu
hài wàn rén ér jiào


This poem describes the difference between ancient and modern merchants. In ancient times, merchants traded for profit but did not harm their customers. However, today's merchants are often tempted by the desire for large profits and are willing to deceive and harm their customers for financial gain. The author argues that modern merchants who add harmful substances to their products or force people to buy them through coercion are no different from thieves and robbers. They are driven solely by greed and are willing to endanger the lives of others for personal gain. The poem also criticizes those who argue that such actions are justified because they occur in a world where resources are abundant and people are no longer forced to trade copper for gold out of necessity. The poet suggests that regardless of the availability of resources, it is never acceptable to harm others for personal gain.





This poem describes the difference between ancient and moder…展开
This poem describes the difference between ancient and modern merchants. In ancient times, merchants traded for profit but did not harm their customers. However, today's merchants are often tempted by the desire for large profits and are willing to deceive and harm their customers for financial gain. The author argues that modern merchants who add harmful substances to their products or force people to buy them through coercion are no different from thieves and robbers. They are driven solely by greed and are willing to endanger the lives of others for personal gain. The poem also criticizes those who argue that such actions are justified because they occur in a world where resources are abundant and people are no longer forced to trade copper for gold out of necessity. The poet suggests that regardless of the availability of resources, it is never acceptable to harm others for personal gain.折叠


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